Eventbox Venue Toolkit. We are building you a single online service packed with useful tools. As with all other products, it is being built hand in hand with venues
Promotion. A tool that enables you to create an event, quickly add acts and related content (audio samples, images, bios), add ticketing options and then publish the event to a web page, Facebook Events, other social media, your website, Eventbox's live music discovery app and more places
Insights. See how each marketing channel performs. Get help determining when best to put on particular events. Get insights into local, national and international live music trends
Membership. Create and manage a membership scheme: sign up, benefits, billing, communication. Learn more about your customers. Increase visits and spend

We have a partnership with Tutti, an Air BnB for creative spaces. When not booked for other uses, could your space be booked by musicians for practice sessions? Creating additional revenues whilst supporting local acts
We're working with Bulb energy who are making energy "cheaper, simpler and greener." Our aim being to reduce your energy bills whilst making live music's future more green

Marketing, finance, grants and tax. We have relationships with marketing, grant application, finance and tax experts focused on the music space. We are working with them on ways their expertise can be used to your benefit

Eventbox is your free kick-ass tech development partner. We are a team of skilled product designers and techies who are dedicated to live music venues. We only build things you want. So, what do you want us to build? Just let us know