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Launching and scaling 

This page details plans for our launch in Buckinghamshire. Successful marketing strategies will be replicated and new ones introduced as we scale to include every UK location


Overnight visits to Buckinghamshire number around 800,000 a year. If 2% more of those visits included going to a live music event, it would add 16,000 (40%) to the county's total yearly live music attendance figures

Our plan for getting visitors to install the app will be evolved over the coming months in collaboration with Visit Bucks, local councils (tourism, culture and economic development teams) and with hotels, BnBs and Air BnB hosts

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Our key strategy for getting large numbers using the app is to create something people are excited to tell other people about. If, on average, every person who uses our app gets more than one other person using it then it will spread virally. The speed of the spread will be determined by how many "seed" users we can get using the app

To get seed users we will work closely with venues and local councils

Collaborating with venues

  • Eventbox t-shirt wearing teams will attend live music events to promote the app

  • The combined social media reach of Bucks live venues is 130K. A series of posts about the app published at the same time will lead the posts to trend locally

  • We will share a notice about the app that venues can add to their site

  • We will share content that can be added to newsletters

  • We will share coasters containing a QR code that leads to the app being installed

  • We will request that venues ask local acts to install the app and to consider sharing their Eventbox event listings with fans via SMS

Paid social media

We will run experiments to reach local live music fans on social media and use the results to inform subsequent efforts



We are considering whether we should attempt to get coverage through local media such as Your Chesham, which they say goes to 11,000 homes, and through local radio

Working with local councils

We will work alongside venues to get financial support for launching Eventbox from local councils. Our aim is that the process should also establish stronger ties between music venues and local councils

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